Our roof systems are used all over the world in a wide range of new construction and renovation projects. We have been at the top of the market for over 100 years and strive to provide our partners with technical support on a daily basis.
To make our technical knowledge more easily accessible to you, your people and your customers, we are launching the IKO whitepapers, a clear and technically substantiated answer to all questions about flat roofs.
- What is the best primer for roofers to use?
- What is the most appropriate way to fasten the insulation?
This is just a small selection of the tips we have lined up for you.
Don’t hesitate and read the first IKO white paper: Periodic roof maintenance! Can be found in the IKO library!
Interested in even more Whitepapers? Register on MY IKO today and get unlimited access to our Whitepapers.
Our advice… available for you