IKO summa

IKO summa is waterproofing membrane composed of PolyOlefin Elastomer (POE) bitumen with fire-retardant properties and a polyester-glass composite inlay.

The top side is finished with dark gray slate chippings and the underside is covered with a burn away film.

This top layer is applicable in a single or multi-layer system.

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Ein Flachdach in den verschiedenen Jahreszeiten, mit Regen und Schnee. Darauf aufrecht stehend eine Rolle IKO summa.

Benefits IKO summa

  • Suitable for installation in all seasons
  • Good resistance to footprints at high temperatures
  • Very flexible even at low temperatures
  • Suitable for water recovery
  • Applicable in the insured warranty

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Type of roof concept: IKO proprietary roofing systems

IKO has a customised solution for every flat roof. All IKO products work together seamlessly and provide perfect flat roof waterproofing. IKO resolutely chooses bitumen as a roof covering. For flat roofs, these membranes are the most appropriate technology to achieve a perfectly waterproof and durable roof.

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